[REALITY][edit | edit source]
[COMBINATIONS][edit | edit source]
HACK HELL - Inject a demon in a network - Alter a program using chaos - Dump a database to hell - Crack a password using chaos - Connect a chaotic program to the airnet
HACK MAGIC - Develop an algorithm by casting a spell - Perform multi-db search through aether - Host a software in aether
HACK GUN - Use neural implant to navigate the airnet - Shoot hacking bullets to a computer - Do casual hacking using a smartcard
HELL MAGIC - Cast a spell to summon a demon - Bind a demon to a place or person or object - Keep a hellgate open feeding it with aether - Revoke a demon with a spell
HELL GUN - Use holograms to summon a demon - Equip a demon with hardware - Open a hellgate with an em-vortex generator
HELL HACK - Upload a software into a demon - Create a chaos attractor virus - Manipulate chaos using a botnet
MAGIC GUN - Cast a spell with a relic - Bend aether with nexus controllers - Convert kinetic or thermic energy to aether - Use aether ammunitions
MAGIC HACK - Develop an aether-generating software - Propagate an aether pattern using a virus - Upload/download spells in/from the airnet - Reverse-engineer an aether pattern
MAGIC HELL - Produce aether from a hellgate - Consume a demon to cast a spell - Resorb aether by turning it into chaos
GUN HACK - Take control of an enemy's weapon or equipment - Enhance situation awareness by hacking surveillance - Control terrain and environment - Connect weapon and equipment to neural implant - Modify the software of a weapon or equipment
GUN HELL - Summon ammunition from hell - Summon weapon and equipment from hell - Feed weapon with chaos
GUN MAGIC - Create and modify weapon or equipment by spellcasting - Enhance aim using aether - Bend space to allow curve trajectory of projectiles - Make projectiles aether-guided to targets
[SPELLS][edit | edit source]
ANIMATE DEAD Turns a body into a zombie following caster's orders
ANIMATE OBJECT The animated object can attack the caster's enemies
ANTI-MAGIC SHELL Creates a 5 meters radius sphere where magic is negated
CHARM ANIMAL OR HUMAN The target regards the caster as a trusted friend
CLAIRVOYANCE Enables the caster to see through the eyes of the target
CONFUSION Makes the target unable to determine what he'll do
CURE LIGHT WOUNDS Heals bleeding wounds and minor injuries
CURE SERIOUS WOUNDS Repairs broken bones, and perforated or damaged organs
DARK VISION Enables the target to see in complete darkness
DETECT CHAOS Allows the caster to detect demons and hellgates
DETECT AETHER Allows the caster to detect aether streams
DETECT INVISIBLE Allows the caster to detect invisible things
DIMENSION DOOR Turns a normal door into a teleportation portal
DISINTEGRATE Springs a ray which turns solid material into dust
DISPEL EVIL Closes a hellgate, or causes a demon to vanish
DISPEL MAGIC Cancels an ongoing spell, or ends an aether stream
OPEN HELLGATE A portal to the chaos plane is opened and kept opened