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// declaring variables

    int x y
    str txt
    func(int) factorial(int)
    flt unit volume
    type cat

/*  the general schema is var( type type other type other other )
 *  one series of "other" identifier is typed by the preceding type or pipe-type

// assignment

x: 5
txt: "hello"
volume: 30.0 cm3

/*  programming languages all use = as assignment
 *  using : instead of = is simpler and natural (to me)
 *  there's no space between the left side element and colons
 *  it's easier to parse

// function declaration + definition

func(int) fib(int n)(

    ret ife < n 3
        +   fib(- n 1)
            fib(- n 2)

/*  the type of a function is func()
 *  the type of the return value goes inside parentheses
 *  for example func(int) is a function that returns an int
 *  everybody knows that variables must have explicit names
 *  x is a bad name, because it doesn't mean anything
 *  who would name a variable "ret"? nobody
 *  so we can use "ret" as keyword instead of "return"
 *  it would be shorter to write "int fib(int n)"
 *  but it would be inaccurate: fib is a function, not an int

// variable declaration + definition

int x(7)
str txt("hello")

/*  writing the initial value between parentheses seems weird at first
 *  but it is consistent with the way we write initial value of functions
 *  the "value" of a function is its body

// source code types

int nacci(12)
$int result( fib(nacci) )

put "{$result} = {result}"

/*  This would print "fib(nacci) = 144"
 *  $int is the type "source code that yields an int"
 *  $result holds the real value of the variable (the source code "fib(nacci)")
 *  using "result" without dollar executes the source code, returning 144

// type definition

type dog(

    int size(40)
    int hunger(0)
    ctrl bark($str speech $int times)(
        ife >= times 5
                put "woof"
                put .. "woof" speech
    func() run(int distance)(
        hunger: + hunger distance

/*  types are a bit like classes, but simpler
 *  all variables are private (size and hunger can't be accessed from outside)
 *  all methods are public
 *  if you need encapsulation, put functions inside functions
 *  ctrl are half-procedures half-macros
 *  controls don't return values
 *  they don't receive the interpreted value from the caller
 *  instead, they receive the source code from the caller
 *  like arguments on the command-line

// instance

dog maxy(
    size: 50

/*  you can override things at initialization
 *  after that, you can only call methods

// accessing methods

maxy.bark "hello ruf" 3

/*  you don't call a control (like "bark") with parentheses
 *  instead, the ctrl arity is used to pick the right number of arguments
 *  "bark" needs 2 arguments, the syntax is light

// type composition

type pitbull(

    pct ugliness(80%)
    pct strength(99%)

/*  importing a type inside another is as simple as this
 *  a pitbull can do everything a dog can do
 *  a type could be composed exclusively of type imports

// interfaces

type Rectangle(
    flt width height
    func(flt) area( * width height )

type Circle(
    flt radius
    func(flt) area( * Pi sqr radius )

interface Shape(
    func(flt) area

enum ShapeSize(small medium big)

func(ShapeSize) classify(Shape shape)(
    ife < shape.area 10
        ife < shape.area 20

/*  classify can work on rectangles and circles because they both implement area
 *  as long as a type implements every method of an interface, it's usable
 *  the area method is without parameters parentheses
 *  this is ok since it has zero parameter, and confusion is impossible
 *  also, we can omit "ret" if the function is a single expression
 *  in an "ife", the then and the else must have the same type

// variable tagging

int maxy'bones(2)

/*  a tag is an additional value sticked to a variable
 *  the syntax is varname'tagname
 *  the tag behaves like a regular variable

// tag set and get

maxy'bones: + maxy'bones 1

txt: "bones"
put maxy'(txt)

/*  the varname-quote-tagname syntax is ok for constant tagname
 *  there's also a varname-quote-openparen-tagname-closeparen syntax
 *  the value of the expression in parentheses becomes the tagname

// pipe-type variables

flt unit weight(30.0 Kg)

/*  a variable can have several types organized in "pipeline"
 *  pipe-type values must be adjacent and space separated

 // clusters

clu stormies 20(


    arr(int) foo( repeat 5 rnd(100) )
    spr foo

    on($int msg)(

        put "Node {} Received {msg}"
        ret "ok"
        if > msg 90
            emit "some message to observing clusters"

/*  stormies is a cluster of 20 nodes
 *  clusters are a program's macro-organization unit
 *  spr spreads source code in the cluster
 *  ret, in a "on", sends a message back to the msg sender
 *  spr takes
 *      the message, which is transfered as source code (like ctrl)
 *      if the message is a collection, it spreads items
 *  obs / unobs takes
 *      the names of the clusters that should be observed / not observed
 *  emit takes
 *      a value that observers will receive
 *  on() is a node's message event listener
 *  its argument is used for type matching the message
 *  the body is activated only if message type = argument type
 *  there can be several on(), for different types
 *  receivers are chosen randomly among those who aren't currently working

// common types

    void                 // nothing
    enum(r g b) primCol  // enumeration
    int n                // integers
    flt f                // floats
    str t                // strings
    stk(str) s           // stacks
    arr(int) ar          // arrays
    bool b               // booleans
    asso(str int) a      // associative arrays
    pair pa              // augmented cons cells
    poly(int flt) po     // sum types
    pipe(flt unit) pi    // product types
    unit u               // units of measurement
    pct x                // percents

/*  short names to make it light
 *  all of this still in evolution